Online Application

EPIC Application Form and Acceptance Policy

Thank you for your interest in the EPIC Learning Community! The application process involves two steps:

  1. Apply to EPIC by filling out this form
  2. Apply to Navigate—NiDES‘s Heartwood program and choose EPIC (opens February 25, 2025)


There is a $35 non refundable registration fee to be paid once a space has been offered to your child. Paying this registration fee shows intent and is considered an acceptance for the placement. Families will be contacted by EPIC when a space becomes available for their child, based on the following priorities:

  1. Families of children registered the previous year with EPIC
  2. Families with a sibling registered in EPIC
  3. Families employed by EPIC, e.g. Teacher’s child
  4. All other families who have expressed interest will be asked to complete a questionnaire (see below) to assess the best fit to the existing cohort and to ensure EPIC can meet the child’s needs.


Please note: The waitlist is not first come first serve. As much as we would like to welcome everyone to EPIC, we need to be mindful to create a balance in terms of age, gender, needs, etc within each cohort and within the program in general.

When you are offered a spot via email, you have 48 hours to respond. After that time, the space may be made available to another family/child.

Questionnaire for Prospective Families 2025/2026

To help ensure available spots are offered to those who are a suitable fit to EPIC’s existing cohort and EPIC’s ability to meet your child’s needs, we request all families complete the following questions. Upon completion of this questionnaire, we will happily consider your family as having applied for an available opening.

Family Information

Parent/Guardian Name(s)(Required)
Learner's Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Application Questions

7. Does your child require one-on-one support in group settings?
8. In order for your child to thrive in a group setting, does your child require additional support (ex. Extra time during transitions, help keeping track of their belongings, etc)?
9. Has your child received a learning needs assessment or have one in progress or is awaiting results? Despite advocacy efforts, we do not currently receive on-site support from the school district for children with designations and our current pay structure does not allow us to hire extra support, like EAs. We welcome supports you are able to provide.
Please read and acknowledge our inclusive practices at EPIC:
EPIC is committed to creating a welcoming and safe space for learners, parents, and staff. In our partnership with NiDES and School District 71, we integrate SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) inclusive education into our programming to respect, affirm, and value each others’ diverse ways of being, including gender identity, cultural identity, race, ethnicity, ability, and developmental age. We honour Indigenous lands, cultures, relationships, and ways of knowing. We seek to consciously incorporate this knowledge into our words, teachings, and actions.