
Joely is a bird nerd who loves climbing, hiking, gardening, and more! It is her first year at EPIC and she has always loved sharing her knowledge of nature and science with the next generation.

She was born on Gitxsan territory and grew up running through the forest on Salt Spring Island, the unceded lands of the Hul’qumi’num First Nations. She spent the last few years living on Epekwitk, also known as Prince Edward Island, where she studied science as well as learning from the Mi’kmaq elders in the area, receiving her bachelor’s degree in Biology and a minor in Indigenous studies. She has taught several years of kids camps at The Raptors center in Duncan and is currently a volunteer with the Climate Adaptation Research Lab on Salt Spring to help with watershed restoration and wildlife populations.

Outdoor education was a big part of Joely’s childhood. It made a huge difference in her life and she loves to see these opportunities available for children and families today. She believes every child deserves to enjoy the outdoors, get messy and be taught by those who care.